Depending on the button selected, you will get Normal Vegeta or Majin Vegeta (accessible by pressing Start+any button) in the select screen.
Vegeta Z2 (Normal & Majin) (Balthazar.) : Merged Vegeta Z2 is a 2-in-1 character. 'Hey Hey Hey! Gotenks is here! The first full character drawn by Daeron and coded by JustNoPoint, this is perhaps our most elaborate character yet. Gohan Z2 (Balthazar, Cybaster) : BIO: 'Everyone knows half-bloods are some of the most beautiful and skillful people around! Such is true for Gohan, part Saiyan, part human, possessing the best of both worlds!'īIO: 'The last beacon of hope standing against the most powerful villains that threaten the universe harm. TenShinHan Z2 (Balthazar, Alex.) : It's here! īIO : 'Pure-hearted like no other, Goku is all about finding strong opponents to further improve his god-like fighting abilities. Now first off this is a character with a. .
Super Buu marks the first-released character by our hottest spriter addition Barker! Congratulations, buddy. Super Buu Z2 (Barker, XGargoyle) : *Released (late/final beta) August 8th 2017 This is a beta that was released especially. . Freeza Z2 (Balthazar, Cybaster) : BIO: 'The Tyrant, master planet-trader, Lord Frieza!'ĭescrip tion : A Capcom styled Freeza, entirely sprited by the amazingly talented Balthazar.